The Rogue Scholar
The House of the Rogue
The infinite scroll of the old The Rogue Scholar site was beginning to become too uh, well, infinite. Therefore, some finite was sought, and this new version came into being. Here you can learn about posts appertaing to the book The Rogue Scholar and other books that exist in its universe. (1)It is a BIG UNIVERSE out there! The Rogue lives here. His recruiting efforts are over, though. The Celestial Intelligence Agency:Interstices is slowly coming along.
The Celestial Intelligence Agency -- Interstices
The Celestial Intelligence Agency: Interstices #
You know that feeling when you are are making something, and you think to yourself, …
Amazon Wars
The Memorial To The Amazon Wars #
Here, the memory of the Amazon Wars lives. At this juncture, it is a little like a police action. Who …
Interference With The Press
Things An Author Might Have To Go Through #
Would you believe, as an independent author, that you can be de-banked, de-published, and …